Posting this early because Thursday morning will be spent getting rid of shoe leather, pounding the halls of the Paris Motor Show. I could blog from the event – plenty of people do – but to be honest my day will be so frantic there’s not really time. My first press conference of the day is Vauxhall at 7.30am, which means getting suited and booted from 5.30am to ensure I’m out of my hotel and at the venue on time. I do wonder about the value of starting the event so early. Some of the big American shows, eg, Detroit, have a similar style, but everyone is still half asleep, especially as there are numerous pre-show briefings the night before which often finish after midnight. I’ve also sampled shows – Chicago is one I remember from years ago – where it was 9-5 and everything came to a halt for a lunch-hour. Now that’s civilised! My day will finish when the final stories are written, sometime after midnight. I will have walked miles under sweltering exhibition lights, and eaten and drunk too little. It is not an event to be enjoyed but endured, and I will be back in the show for 8am Friday for more of the same. Dwell on that if you think the life of a motoring hack is glamorous.